I. Reopening of in-person instruction with social distancing A. Capacity B. 1. Saint Gabriel School will collaborate with and monitor daily local medical capacity https://forward.ny.gov/covid19-regionalmetricsdashboard St. Gabriel School has the ability to maintain all students with appropriate social distancing , supply protective equipment (PPE) to students and staff. All visitors MUST wear face coverings and sanitize their hands at the entrance . C. Hybrid and Remote will be available to students. "A split schedule that assigns children to specific days a week, with one day alternating. D. Cohort A. In person Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ( Odd Weeks ) No session on Friday , September 11th E. Cohort B In person Tuesday. Thursday, and Friday ( Even Weeks ) beginning September 18th F. Siblings will attend on the same day as their siblings . A parent survey through Google Forms was made available to families access to indicate the accommodations of sending their child on a staggered hybrid schedule or keeping their child fully remote. Parents will be provided support to make sure they have the sufficient technology needed to have their child fully remote. G. Instruction will take place Monday-Friday according to the following. H. Students in Cohort A (St. Gabriel A) will be placed on attending on Mondays and Wednesdays. Students in Cohort B (St. Gabriel B ) will be will be placed on attending on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Both Cohorts will attend school on Fridays alternating with one another. I. Stage 1-We will open with the Hybrid Model-1 cohort on Monday and Wednesdays, another cohort in Tuesdays and Thursdays. Both Cohorts will attend school on Fridays alternating with one another. Remote learning will take place as well as in-school learning. Students and parents will decide if the child will be coming in for any in-person school lessons or not indicating their response in parent google form survey. If their choice is for only remote learning, the child will not be permitted in the school building for any classes until the first quarter is finished or school administrators make a different decision based on an individual child’s situation and class availability J. Instruction will be continuous, so on the days children are not physically present, They MUST be present through Zoom at the beginning of the school day and remain present throughout the school day. Summer uniforms must be worn and children are to be visible during the lessons. There will be some breaks throughout the day, but all students must be punctual and present for instruction. Attendance will be taken. Please be reminded that if parents select the Remote Learning Option, they will have to commit to this option throughout the first quarter. Masks/ Facial Coverings- will be worn by students , staff, and anyone else who enters the building Student Masks- May not have any graphics with the exceptions of literary characters, school related designs( notebooks, pens, pencils, etc) children’s names or family names. If the CDC and the Archdiocese determine that we may return to the normal school day with regular class sizes, remote learning will no longer be an option Arrival Procedures PreK and K enter and dismiss from church doors. K art 8AM- Prek 8:10AM Grades 1-4 Netherland Ave - Grade 4: 7:45 AM, Grade 3 at 7:50, Grade 2 at 8:00 and Grade 1 at 8:10 Grades 5-8 enters and dismisses GYM doors adjustment to the parking lot Grade 8- 7:45 AM, Grade 7 at 7:50AM Grade 6 at 8:00AM and Grade 5 at 8:10AM. Bathrooms will be disinfected by wiping down with CDC-approved cleaners at least two to three times throughout the day and thoroughly cleaned daily. The goal is to assign classrooms a bathroom break schedule to time cleaning the restrooms. An aide will spray sinks and toilets after every usage. Only one child will be allowed in the bathroom to respect social distancing. UPK will follow DOE guidelines Scattered / no water fountains/ outside break for 10 minutes. Scheduled breaks will be given for students and teachers Dismissal Procedures. PreK and K dismiss from church doors. K at 2:30AM- Prek 2:20PM Grades 1-4 Netherland Ave - Grade 4: 2:20 PM, Grade 3 at 2:30 PM, Grade 2 at 2:40 and Grade 1 at 2:45PM Grades 5-8 dismisses GYM doors adjacent to parking lot Grade 2:20 PM, Grade 7 at 2:25 PM Grade 6 at 2:30 PM and Grade 5 at 2:35 PM no congregating in the school yard During Stage 1 of the reopening plan, please be mindful of the following: A. There will be no early drop off or After School program B. No volunteers in the school and parents and visitors may not be in the school building with the exception of picking up a child due to illness or an emergency situation. All individuals will be subject to temperature checks and MUST wear facial coverings. ALL business with the office will be conducted at the portioned office door. Any items being dropped off MUST be left on a table at the entrance of the school. Parents or visitors will not be permitted to drop off lunches or any other items at the school office. This for the safety and well being of the entire school community and is NON-Negotiable. C. There will be no congregating on school property and the school yard will remain closed until further notice. D. Teachers and Administrative staff will communicate with parents via telephone or ZOOM. E. There will be no sports or Extra Curricular activities during Stage 1 of reopening. The CDC and the Archdiocese will determine when we may move into Stage 2 of the reopening. Classroom Set Ip Classrooms only accommodate space for a limited number of students to allow for distances of six feet. All students are to be facing one direction and are not to be grouped in configurations that would require facing one another. NYS Executive Orders, CDC, ESDC and 0SHA COVID-19 guidelines will be followed at all times. A six-foot distance will be measured from back of teacher’s desk to front of first row of student chairs • Measuring from front of the classroom to the back, six-foot measurements should be taken from back of chairs to back of chairs • Measuring from one side of the classroom to the other side, six-foot measurements should be taken from center of chairs to center of chairs For rows of chairs where the desk is against the wall, allow a two-foot distance from the center of the chairs to the wall to allow students to slip into their chairs • Arriving students should enter the classroom in single file keeping six-foot distance from each other • Classrooms should be filled from back wall opposite classroom entrance towards entrance wall to avoid cross paths • Exiting students should leave the classroom in single file keeping six-foot distance Policy for Symptomatic Students:* Students must be immediately moved to the Guardian Angel Room (isolation room), where they must wear a face covering until they are picked up, as soon as possible, by an authorized person. The parent or guardian must be notified, and a safe pick up must be arranged. Children being picked up will need to the nearest exit to contain the area of exposure. Staff with symptoms will be discreetly asked to leave the building immediately and to report their symptoms to a medical professional. Maintenance personnel will be required to close off and restrict the areas accessed by any sick individual or any individual exhibiting symptoms. Principal notifies Regional Superintendent of the matter in detail, issue approved a letter to school community families and school staff. School leaders will follow all health department directives on school closures, because of COVID-19, and on facilities, which are provided by the Health and Safety Task Force of the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. School leaders will coordinate with the appropriate vendor from the Office of the Superintendent of Schools for disinfection procedures and timelines according to CDC guidance. Individuals who are COVID-19 positive may only return after providing a note of medical clearance and two negative COVID-19 test results after they are without fever for three days. In keeping with HIPAA law, at no time should the identity of the individual, who is COVID-19 positive, be revealed. "In Safety and Security Same procedure/ Single file at least 6 ft apart/ Evacuate as quickly as possible Vendor/ Sanitizing Process: B
Thank you for completing and submitting your preference survey, where you selected complete remote learning for your child/children. Please keep in mind that although your child will be learning remotely, they must be present Monday through Friday for the complete school day and must be in attendance for all classes. In addition to lunch, breaks will be given throughout the day. This commitment will be in effect until the end of the first quarter in November... Please see the September 2020 Calendar
Cohort A. Children assigned to the Cohort A Schedule for staggered in person attendance will be in school Mondays, Wednesdays, and alternating Fridays. Please see the attached revised reopening plan and the September Calendar for more details. Some families did not receive the complete document regarding the Saint Gabriel Mask Policy and procedures to follow if someone in the building becomes ill We do understand that the staggered arrival and dismissal schedules may be present a challenge parents and siblings. However, we believe that this will become less of a challenge once the school year begins and adjustments can be made as the number of children attending in person sessions changes. There will be markings in the parking lot and school yard for Social Distancing line up which will be supervised. It is imperative that children arrive as close as possible to their scheduled time for arrival. Please understand that calendars and schedules are subject to change. Cohort Children have been assigned to the Cohort B Schedule for staggered in person attendance will be in school Tuesdays, Thursdays, and alternating Fridays Children must be present on their technology devices throughout the school day on the days they are not physically in the school building. Summer uniforms must be worn. Attendance will be taken, and they will watch the lessons and interact with their teachers and classmates and submit all assignments through Google Classroom. It is imperative that children arrive as close as possible to their scheduled time for arrival. Please understand that calendars and schedules are subject to change.
Each family who enrolls for school year 2020-21, and remains enrolled, will receive a credit on their December 2020 tuition bill for the full amount of the registration fees they paid. Click the title to learn more!