Welcome back everyone!I hope you and your families had a restful Christmas holiday break. Sorry for the long hiatus….. I meant to post sooner, but things have been pretty busy around here ,I under went eye surgery earlier in the semester and then another one. Thank goodness all went well and I am pretty much almost recovering. I hope everyone is safe and well. We have been working on some super art projects from kinder through 8th grade and I have to say we have some amazing artists!! Students are to continue looking at thier google classroom or any events or changes in schedule.Here are a few amazing art pieces from grades 1-8 !!
Welcome! Week 9/14/2020 Students will have a new google classroom code for the year 2020-2021. Assignments for Art as well as Spanish will be listed accordingly. Below are the invite links to each google classroom Assignments will not be posted before the 14th of September. Students should sign up for their corresponding grades. Each student must be in the correct google classroom before September 14. Parents make sure your child is in the correct class for each subject. Students in both class and remote must be signed in. We will continue utilizing google classroom for all assignments. All students should be familar with google classroom. Steps are listed below : 1. Sign into google classroom. You email will be the year you graduate Saint Gabriel School, first letter of your first name and your last name @ saintgabrielschoolbronx.org An Example: for a student named John Johnson in the 6th grade, his email would be [email protected] (All middle school student's emails are ready to login .) 2. Put in this password: jesus123 3. A link to each class code is listed below. grade 1 https://classroom.google.com/c/MTEyODIxODE2MDgw?cjc=eecn6i6 grade 2 https://classroom.google.com/c/MTEyODIxODE2MDg4?cjc=6mhmtle grade3 https://classroom.google.com/c/MTEyODIxODE2MDk2?cjc=7jdb6uq grade 4 https://classroom.google.com/c/MTEyODIxODUyNjg5?cjc=cju7jmi grade 5 https://classroom.google.com/c/MTEyODIxODUyNjk2?cjc=5qnvpue grade 6 https://classroom.google.com/c/MTEyODIxODUyNzA2?cjc=ypmtk6j grade 7 https://classroom.google.com/c/MTEyODIxODUyNzE1?cjc=7rpmxyi grade 8
https://classroom.google.com/c/MTEyODIxODUyNzIz?cjc=hsigdeg Spanish google classroom codes are listed below. Spanish Googe classroom codes are as follows. All students remote and in class should sign in. grade 1 hdsa6qk grade 2 njnntwn grade 3 sp4gpue grade 4 kei4ji5 grade 5 endio4i grade 6 7yn3eev grade 7 psvbwwy grade 8 ib6fqv2 If you are having difficulties, please be patient. We are all learning to comply with a new way of learning and it takes time. I might not get to everyone quickly.I will try as best I can to reach those new students that might need assistance. Do not forget to take a deep breath.
Welcome Parents and Students I am so excited to be your Art and Spanish teacher! I hope you are all doing well and taking the proper precautions and enjoying your summer!!! I have been in contact with most of your teachers as well as some parents and teachers. As we return back to school. We will be experiencing a new way of learning. Lets do it together!!!! This is your class list for the year when we return for the school year. Visual Arts Goals The art program is designed to help students transfer their ideas into personal visual expressions, build experience with various art media, develop a solid understanding of the elements and principles of design, explore art history/subject matter and culture, and translate what they know about topics pertinent to their grade. The art studio provides a supportive environment for students to learn through drawing, painting, mixed media work, ceramics, and sculpture. Class Expectations Students are expected to give their best effort, follow directions, and respect others while exploring their own creativity and developing new skills. ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________
Bienvenidos a la pagina de Español de 1 a 8 grado Yo soy Señora Barbosa y soy la maestra de español de 1o a 8o grado. Me encanta enseñar y me siento muy afortunada estar en una escuela tan especial como la de Saint Gabriel. Llevo varios años enseñado aquí, y lo que más me gusta es la emoción y la curiosidad de los estudiantes. Me reúno con cada clase dos veces por semana por treinta minutos. Mi propósito es crear lecciones que desarrollen en los niños un interés y un sentido por el idioma. A estas edades, nos enfocamos en la conversación y el uso verdadero de la lengua, no tanto en la gramática. Uso la música, la literatura, el teatro, los juegos y la tecnología para que sea muy divertido para los niños. Me gustaría que todos puedan tener conversaciones básicas con hispanohablantes. ¡Espero con ansiedad este año escolar y conocer a las nuevas familias de Saint Gabriel! Señora Barbosa . HI! I am Ms. Barbosa and I am the Spanish teacher for 1st-8th grade. I love teaching and I feel very fortunate to be in a school as special as Saint Gabriel. I have been teaching here for several years, and what I most enjoy is the excitement and curiosity of the students. I meet with each class twice a week for thirty minutes. My goal is to create lessons that develop in my students an interest in and a feel for the language. We will focus on conversation and the real use of the language, not so much on the grammar. I use a lot of music, literature, theater, games, and technology so that it is fun for the children. I would like them all to be able to have basic conversations with Spanish speakers. I look forward to this school year and to meeting the new Saint Gabriel families! Mrs Barbosa. Our Middle School Spanish program covers the equivalent of a high school Spanish 1 curriculum over the course of grades 6-8. We use a Spanish 1 textbook and workbook series that many area high schools use: Realidades 1. and Avancemos A .b Many students who foster a love for the language and culture are able to place into Spanish 2 and even Spanish 2 Honors their freshman year of high school.
Plan de estudios / Curriculum The following are the topics that we cover throughout the year. Although the topics are"roughly" the same for each grade level, each year we review previously learned material and I introduce additional vocabulary and increasingly complex language structures and grammar for upper grades. September:
Greetings (hola, buenos días, buenas tardes, buenas noches, adiós)
Conversation (¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo ___. / Cómo estás? Muy bien, gracias. ¿Y usted?)
Titles (Señor, Señora, Señorita)
Numbers (in order: 1st Gr. #1-15, 2nd #1-20, 3rd #1-30, 4th #1-50, 5th #1-100)
Basic Classroom Commands & Routines (Siéntense. / Levántense. / Formen un círculo. / etc.)
Calendar activities
Left / Right (izquierda / derecha)
More greetings (hasta luego, etc.)
More emotions (Estoy feliz. Estoy triste. Estoy cansado/a. Estoy enfermo/a.)
Conversation (¿De dónde eres? Soy de ___. / ¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo ___ años.)
Country of the Month: Mexico
Classroom Objects
There is / There are / There is not / There are not (Hay / No hay)
Conversation (¿Hay? ¿Dónde está(n)?)
Polite Words (por favor, gracias, de nada, etc.)
Country of the Month: El Salvador or Guatemala
Family Vocabulary
People & places in the community
Describing people & places (Es __. / Son __.)
Conversation (¿Quién(es) son? ¿Cómo es/son?)
Calendar (Days of the Week, Months of the Year)
school day
Conversation (¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? ¿Qué tiempo hace?)
Telling time (1st - hour, 2nd - half hour, 3rd - quarter hour, 4th - 5 minute intervals, 5th - all times)
Conversation (¿Qué hora es?)
Expressing Likes & Dislikes (¿Te gusta __? Me gusta __, No me gusta ___, etc.)
Sports & hobbies
Pets, more animals
Conversation (¿Te gusta __? ¿Cuál te gusta mas - __ o __?
Parts of the Body, the doctor’s office
Clothing, the clothing store
Conversation (¿Cuánto cuesta? ¿Qué te duele?)
Food & Drink
Conversation (Tengo hambre. / Tengo sed. ¿Qué quieres comer/tomar? Quiero ___.)
Review of material previously learned through games (Bingo, Jeopardy, etc.
All conversations